
1 bedroom Casita in Templeton $1200/month rent. $1200 security deposit required. To learn more, email Go to for an application For application approval you need : *Verifiable income 3 times the rent amount. *Credit score of 650 or above. *Positive rental history. Please see instructions on the website for more info. MPM,Inc.| 744 Oak St., Paso Robles | T (805) 237-9730 | F (805) 237-8125 MPM,Inc. CA Broker License #02245768| © 2024 MPM,INC.
Must have good credit. No Smoking in the building and no pets. Due to COVID-19, your application must be approved prior to viewing the unit.
Please contact Manzanita Property Management for any additional questions at (805)-237-9730.
For application approval you need:
- Verifiable income 3 times the rent amount
- credit score of 650 or above
- Positve rental history